Tuesday 2 September 2014

A second thought.

It's funny how life presents itself to us.  Challenges, opportunities, joy's and at times fear.

I will continue to live my life for the moment but like you, constantly need reminders on a few things:

How will it effect others around us?  Sure I want to go sky diving (terribly) but my children may not want me to take that chance.
Would we be okay to live with regrets?  I want to say to you that life shouldn't have regrets but if this applies to the above then perhaps I need to second guess a choice.
Does what I want to do in the moment truly make us happy?  This is one that requires some reflection.  In a moment, when we react perhaps that moment is something that we feel is right.  Is it though? Did it make you happy in the long run?  If not, then you may want to re-evaluate your choice. 

Heck, it's okay to enjoy the moment.  Live life to the fullest but somewhere deep inside if your gut is telling you.... "mmm, perhaps this isn't right".  Then you should give it that "24" hour rule.  You won't effect anyone by holding off, you won't live with a regret and you may be happier for just giving it a second thought. 

Life is full of choices, some amazing, wonderful and unforgettable.  Some we would just rather wish it was another corner we walked pass without a second thought. 

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