Wednesday 24 September 2014

Not the door you were thinking of

Over our life time, we are constantly given paths to cross, doors to open, a life to live.

Ask yourself something, when you are out walking crossing a path do you look up?  Do you see beyond your horizon?  Do you not just walk through a door but occasionally hold one for another?

If you are wondering where I’m going as in metaphorically or literally, it’s both.  

On our journeys in life, we sometimes lose sight of what’s important.  We are focused on the path we’ve chosen and the doors we want to open for ourselves we forget about who we are walking with and why?  

We forget that one day, ages ago someone helped us out.  

Tomorrow, when you wake and just before you head out your door on the day’s journey keep a kind thought tucked away for someone in your travels.  Make eye contact, pass a hug or a little note telling them that they make a difference in your life.  

As much as we all need to hear our value, others need to as well.  

So, all that being said this door to your path wasn’t what you expected ... right?

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