Sunday 28 September 2014

A better future

As adults we know, everyone has a story.  We know that every single person has had battles, has had a loss, a broken heart as well as their own success stories.

My children, regardless of their ages are still learning this.  Something I strive for daily.  

Although judgement is a natural thought process, it is something that needs to be changed.  It starts as children.  

Let’s admit it, bullying starts here.  Children in school may see another child with what they perceive as a flaw and they can pick away at it.  Slowly, that one they’ve focused on believes less in themselves and without anyone noticing, they become less of a person they should be.  

All the while, that child who was picked on at school may be enduring a battle unknown to the world.  That child may be experiencing poverty, abuse, neglect.  

In the circle of things, abuse continues and that child may not know the difference.  

A perfect example is when I child watches a parent yell, that child will see it as normal, acceptable and will more than likely repeat that behaviour.  

When a child watches parents talk, discuss issues, that child will learn to do the same.

Teach your child to be open minded.  Teach your child, our future, compassion.  

If only for a moment, ask them to tell you what they think.  Take a moment and listen to yourself, hear your reactions to different situations, think about what your child is learning from you.  

In essence, when we try to make a change for our children, by opening up and discussion, we start to become more open minded, more understanding and empathy towards others ourselves.  

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