Monday 22 September 2014

I am the average....

UG!  I’ve had it up to here... *pointing to forehead* - as if that is truly the limit of where my tolerance goes.

I want to think that compassion goes without boarders, without color and without physical features.  That compassion, somewhere is in everyone’s heart and that it sneaks up on the worst of us.  

I want you to know that it shouldn’t matter where I am from, what my income is or who I believe in.  I know for a fact that I am a decent human being and that I will respect your choices as I hope you respect mine.  

Bullying goes far beyond a classroom of children, far beyond workplace and even families.  It is now going international and I hope for the sake of mankind, the type of bullying I am seeing on the news is shocking.  Yes, I am worried and I hope they find a way to solve the issue before more become hurt both physically and emotionally.  Enough is enough!

I am one of the average human beings who will keep believing in mankind, who will continue to have faith that things will work out and that my tiny words out there will have an impact on changing.  I hope that you keep going forward with the same thoughts and that what we see on the news doesn’t change who you are.  That someone’s negative words or behaviour doesn’t influence you to help a cause that bully’s put’s fear into others.  

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