Sunday 14 September 2014


When I was a younger I measured strength by how much one could pull, push, hold and resist.  I measured ones intelligence by the degree on their wall and measured ones philanthropy by the amount of financial assistance they gave a needy situation. 

Life has a funny way of turning your perspective just when you think you’ve got it figured out.  

Finishing school = I can conquer the world
Raising children = I can do a better job than my parents
facing adversity = I am better than that

tisk, tisk.. a degree does not make you smart, school can only help develop a mind but it’s the soul and life experiences that teach you more than a book.  You’ll come to see that soon one day.  

Raising children?  It’s not a contest.  

Every     single      child

is different.  

They will react to each situation differently.  YOU have to change, YOU have to adapt and YOU will be tested.  It is the endurance you have that will outlast the tests presented by these wee ones.  If you pass this test the reward is undeniably the most priceless, amazing thing you will ever learn.  

This also reflects your ability to face adversity. 

Strength.  Boy was I fooled.  

I thought it was everything to do with the physical being.  In fact, it has mostly to do with your inner strength.  How much you believe in yourself, how much you can emotionally handle and how much you can stand without losing control.  

Last but not least, Philanthropy.  I was told this word defines someone who donates a large sum of money to assist those in need.

I’ve looked this up on line, the definition that is.  

Philanthropy isn’t based on the size of financial assistance but the size of a heart.  the amount of compassion one has to reach out and help others when needed.  

At the end of the day, we learn and evolve.  I hope we do it in the right direction, 


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