Tuesday 16 September 2014

Happiness is; making the most of what you have

It’s kind of funny, my day that is.  I cherish the time I spend with my boys, although some day’s limited I own each moment I’m given.  My second favourite thing?  Work.  Most of us wouldn’t say that but I can.  

I have the most eclectic group of people around me and I love it.  

The group is diverse but we all get along.  The best part of it is, we’ve become family.  We can tell when another is out of sorts, when help is needed and when a good laughter break is the answer to everything.  

I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to get through the office on a daily basis.  Some folks I talk in a Batman voice to, some I love to jump out and scare, some I know when they eat their cereal and others when they go for their walks. 

We do what it takes to support each other. Work should be like this, you spend 8 hours (give or take) a day together, that’s 40 hours a week, 160 hours a month, 1,920 hours a year.  

So laugh together, support each other and try your hardest to understand each other.  It is simply an investment in your life that will pay off for years to come.  

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