Friday 19 September 2014

Free learning opportunities

Most day’s are great.  I hardly see anything below a half filled glass of water.  I choose to make an effort and to see the better side of things.  

I had a chat with a fellow co-worker today, which is what brought my tiny blog post about.

When I was younger, no matter the amount of things we didn’t have, we were given the opportunity to use what we did.  My beautiful sister taught me that.  

A few years older than myself, I was at the age of 5, and started to compare my life to others around me.  She didn’t have much and came to our family with.. 

actually nothing.  

Then my eyes opened more.  

I have 5 brothers, 1 sister, several cousins and our home ALWAYS had a revolving door to emergency children.  Kids 12 years and younger would stay with us, sometimes for a few hours, some for a few days.  

I got my brothers second hand slacks, played outside shoeless and ate an army’s worth of Mac & Cheese mixed with powered milk (yes, I survived).  We played outside, we made up games, we prayed together as a family and WE had each other.

I had the education that NOT one University could provide. 

Compassion.  To understand the “other side” of the story.
You don’t need much to be happy.

I had to learn that struggling isn’t a bad thing.  It teaches you how to over come and to make the best of what one has.  

Guess what... 

All those lessons were .. 

more or less  


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