Monday 1 September 2014

The right frame of mind

I love getting out for my morning walk.  It must be my favourite time of day and the best way to start it.  I clear my head and get into the right frame of mind, which is in my control only.  

What hurts the most is when I read about violence.  Towards others.  I become frustrated towards hurtful words, actions and lack of empathy.  

What I noticed when reflecting on the things that bother me most is, simply put, they are not in my control.

What is?

My happiness.  How I see things, how I react and how I feel.  

It’s our choice to see the value in moments, live today for what it is.  Laugh at any given moment and be the one to live with abandon.  

Do not seek acceptance from others but know you are okay with who you are.  Yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Do not let the things that are not in your control take away your happiness.  

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