Sunday 3 August 2014

Getting to see the naked

Another day passes as we lay our heads down to rest our bodies.  

What about your mind and soul?  When was the last time you took a moment to turn things off and simply let go?

After you read this, take a moment and turn as much off as possible.  

Start with your TV, phone, computer, ipad / tablet, books... whatever you have going on 

Just stop.

Look outside and see what’s going on, look at what are people actually doing.  Look at their faces, make eye contact and smile.

Better yet, walk over to that park you drive past and sit on any one of those benches.  Look out past your feet and tell me what you see.  

Take the thoughts in your head and stop them.  I know, you are wondering how?  Simply count.  Draw those numbers in your head and count.  Go as high as 100, then count backwards.  (if needed).  

Clear out the clutter in your head that makes you worry about tomorrow, the things that happened yesterday that upset you.  

Clear it out.  

It’s clutter and it’s making you old.  

I sat in a park today just outside a hospital (was visiting someone today) and I put my phone down for 30 minutes.  I sat there sipping my coffee and watching people walk by.  In the peace of it all, I started to calm down.  The visit had my emotions going a little so this moment of unplugging was wonderful.  

Not only did I start to relax, I got to see something fantastic.  

I actually witnessed some guy leaving the hospital naked.  Yep, head - to - toe.  I had a giggle... what was I going to do?  Chase him down?  He did look quite “happy” to be out and about.  I’m sure someone got ahold of him, someone with a bit more strength and a bit more courage.  I just sat back and enjoyed the moment. 

You should too.  

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