Tuesday 12 August 2014

Live a little

We are all strongly focused on living life in the past with negative that at times, we forget how to live in the present with the positive.

We all know what happened, how history repeats itself and what to do to stop things from happening but most times, we use the hurt and anger to get in the way of living life.  

We all need to stop that action of living in the past with negative and start by building a positive future.  

Right here, at this very place is where you should be.  It may not be what your idea of life is but if it’s not ask yourself what you need to do to be there? 

I may not have the perfect job with the best pay but I have a job and it pays me.  I will build on what I have and do with what I can.  I will create something, not only for myself but for others which will include my children and their children.

Remember, it’s up to you and only you to live a life.  

Live it well.

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