Tuesday 19 August 2014

Don’t blink

In a blink of a moment, life changes, life passes.

These past few weeks our TV has been bombarded with horrible news such as; 
war, racism, death and poverty.  It’s hard not to become a bit down and much harder at times to see the good in life.

When it does happen though, don’t blink. 

I’ve also seen instances of grace.  Where others put aside their belief’s to help another, where life is created when it’s not expected and moments fulfilled with gratitude.

Asking why is a good thing, it leads you to knowledge.  Don’t hold off to ask the questions, don’t worry what others think, if you want to join in on a cause but can’t afford to donate, just do it.  Help when others aren’t looking and know your limits.

When you doubt your reasons, you are holding back something spectacular.  Something inside wants to do it, so why wait?  

Life passes too quickly, so take a chance, take that moment.  Love deeply, live with no regrets and laugh.  Don’t worry about tomorrow, it hasn’t happened yet, simply live for this very moment.

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