Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ripples in the water

I see it, the change and how it is starting to happen.

We are changing from a “Me” world to a “We” world.

Where we stop thinking about ourselves, stop obsessing about the next big thing and start thinking about others.  Although it’s been a tough turn around, I see it happening.  Kindness and charity are showing more often, patience and humility are not only seen, but felt.  

Don’t worry if you are afraid that the small gesture seemed to be unnoticed, or the fact that you stepped up for someone who couldn’t but no thank you was mentioned.  Your actions, as little or unnoticed as you may think they are, help shape and change the world.  That one word you changed today in your vocabulary will have an effect on the word chosen by the next person, and so on.

Go ahead nay-sayers, do your best but you know it’s happening too.  

Every little rock that hit’s the water, will have a ripple effect.  Things are changing.  

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