Tuesday 19 August 2014

Laugh at yourself when things are tough... I did and you will laugh too.

Life has it’s up’s and downs.  You are not alone when I say that someday’s health can get in the way.

Lately for me, it’s been a battle and last night was no exception.  

I hit the Dr’s last week and she not only sent me for more tests but suggested that I take an over the counter “treatment” and perhaps this would make the situation better.  

Off I go, on my clueless way trusting the Dr.’s, her suggestions and hoping to feel better soon.

I find myself at the pharmacy with help looking for this “specific” product.

“okay, right then.  You say this is gentle enough for pregnant women and seniors”?  
“oh, for sure, it should take about a week to work and it should help”.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I am a “regular” girl.  It is, after all what the Dr. ordered.  She even said, it may take a few days and is not an evasive treatment.  

I think you should know by now what I am talking about.  

I get home after all of my shopping and get busy with life.  A few days pass, this “treatment” stares at me.... “I guess I should start my therapy”.  

I prepare dinner for the boys and grab a glass of ice cold water (as recommended).  A cup full of this powder, mix and drink as fast as possible.  (I don’t care what they say, this stuff is horrible tasting)!

I take a few bits of dinner and another glass of JUST water.

Okay, good.  Done for today and on with life.  

The following day, I wake and head to work.  With of course some wonderful salmon, a bit of hummus and zucchini, my apple and an orange.  I love to eat healthy, I feel better about the snacking all day long.  

3:30 rolls around, I had to return an item to our company mail room.  While chatting with co-workers in the mail room I buckle over in pain.  
“Oh dear... it must have been the salmon”.  

I say my bits and leave back to my desk so I can pack up and head home.  As I get to my car, the pain increases.  I jump inside, turn the ignition and there in front of me is not a good sign.

30k to empty... I start to wonder... can I make it home?  

I turn out of the parking lot, head on the quickest route.  Left, right.  Lights.... I am breaking into a sweat.  The pain has increased and is moving down from my upper abdomen.  My tummy is now making inaudible sounds similar to the ones that they create in horror movies.  

oh dear .. gawd.  

2nd traffic circle.. I start to think horrible things about people.  This is not me.  I tell my boys to let things be but in this instance, NO BLOODY WAY!

The sounds from my belly are getting louder, the pain has increased to almost intolerable.  I’m afraid I might have to get my car detailed or even more so, just leave it by the roadside.  

I peel into my driveway, grab my bags and quicken my pace into the home where I, yes dash into the room of choice to “ease” the pain.  

Oh dear ... gawd.

Then it happens... life flashes back to a week ago.

The Dr.... This is her doing!

"Oh, (she said), this is gentle enough for pregnant women and seniors...”  BLOODY HELL IT IS!  I gave birth to 2 children, I don’t recall this!

“It should take a week” she said... What it takes a week for pregnant women or seniors took less than 24 hours on me.  

I manage to make it to the bed after what felt like the ending to this horror movie, the monster removed and healing will begin.  I feel so violated.  

Like any horror movie though, there is always a false ending... 

I ran back to the room of choice to battle this monster and I am quite sure it’s winning.  Please, dear lord take me now.  I am almost crying.  I return to the bed, fetal position gently sobbing.  I think I won.  I will survive.

I get a text from my husband,

“Would you be okay with me picking up some KFC”?

He’s suggesting / asking me this as it’s my least favourite fast food but once a year I’ll go for it... today was that day.  I needed grease in my belly to absorb this horrible monster.  

“YES, please”.

Silence from the phone..

“is this Nicole”?

I sent a photo ... and 25 minutes later after a few large sips of Pepito Bismol I’m actually eating.  

“Do your job dirty bird, do your job”

And so, in the end.  I beat the monster in this horrible horror movie.  

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