Friday 15 August 2014

Disregarding the obvious

It’s Friday evening and all is quiet around this home.  I find my mind drifting to another place, many years ago.  

It’s a small moment in time where worries didn’t matter and laughter was in abundance.

When my boys were young.  

Those moments of making faces, teaching how to do silly sounds and listening to their voices.  

Their ideas, their thoughts and their dreams.

We tend to forget what we were like as children and being around the younger ones in our lives brings us back to that simplicity.  

What I would do to go back in time, perhaps to my childhood where watching the sky, forming shapes with clouds and just singing as I skipped down the sidewalk.  

Or perhaps just back up a few years where laughter filled this home.  Nerf gun fights in the middle of the coldest days of winter, water gun fights outside on the warmest days of summer.  Evenings curled up reading a book with complete animation or baking cookies together.  Nothing in this world can replace the joy of time spent together.

Please, do not disregard the obvious.  Before you know, it’s gone.

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