Saturday 16 August 2014

Finding balance

Many times we say, “later”.  

I’ll get to it,

do it,

see it,

complete it... 


Later may never come.  The biggest challenge is finding the balance for yourself.  

"I’ll complete that part of my education later, first the house needs to be cleaned”.

"I’ll start putting my health first, getting back into shape, when the children’s activities are done”.

The list can keep going, excuses can keep happening.  The time is now to find that balance where you do something each day to make your life better.  

Stop living to die. 

I say this to you as each day you let go by, is another day you live to die.  

Live life, live now.  

Each small success you have daily is a step towards a better life filled with happiness which is, in the end only created by you.  

Find balance in life to be happy.

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