Wednesday 11 June 2014


Every single day I am faced with, let’s call them “opportunities”.  

I would call them challenges but let’s face it, any thing that stops a smile is an opportunity to change it.

Being reminded of my personal reactions is a good way to learn.  When I was a child, wanting a sweet I, like so many others around me at that age would ask and if the answer was no, would toss around until I thought I’d get my way.  Nope... not me.  I’d get a lickin when we got home.  

Lesson 1.  You can’t always get what you want.  Also, don’t upset your parents, they control everything you get until you get a job.  

Then as a teen in school, I’d work hard at assignments and still not get a high enough mark.  I went to the teacher to complain.  Whammo, my mark was lowered for arguing with the teacher.  

Lesson 2.  Some days no matter how hard you try, you may not do as good as you intended.  Also, don’t cross your teachers, they will help you when you ask for it but they truly control your marks.  

As a young adult, working I spoke back to a supervisor in a manner I thought was funny.  She didn’t and I was promptly fired.  

Lesson 3.  Hold your tongue.  Not everyone has the same humour as you.  Follow their lead.  You can think what you want, use your “inside voice”.  

As a lady in her 30’s I thought I had parenting figured out.  I always protected my boys... until I found out that some of the words coming out were not always true.  

Lesson 4.  Remember that the story you hear is only half the truth.  Hold judgement until you hear both sides.  Perspective is a powerful tool.  No matter what, we all think our kids are perfect, will do no wrong.  That simply isn’t the truth, they will fall like us.  

Now as a lady in her 40’s, I want to believe that everyone’s intentions are the same.  I know this isn’t true but I want to believe integrity is still out there.  If it’s not, I’ll still hold my ground.

Lesson 5. You have to see that not everyone is the same, however you should still respect their opinion.  It may not be yours but it belongs to someone who is just as important and it’s okay.

Each opportunity has helped me grow and become who I am.  No, I won’t change for another.  No, I won’t argue my point any more.  It’s not worth the energy spent on it.  I will keep silent and nod my head though.  

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