Monday 9 June 2014

How to invest

Well, I never thought that 23 years ago my investment would have so many returns.  That the second time I thought of taking the chance the amount of returns would be priceless.

It was tough at first.  

23 years ... well, actually almost 24 years ago.  I put every penny away and trusted my gut to go with this one.  Did it ever pay off!  

Then almost 14 years ago, I did it again.  I took the plunge and put everything I had and invested it.  I mean every stock I owned, every penny... 

Now I have everything I’ve ever wanted.  

So, you are wondering what did I invest in?  How much did I make?

I invested my life for 2 lives.  

I took the plunge at 18 and said yes to my first one.  I invested my heart to begin with, then my sweat and a few tears.  What did I gain?  

Laughter, adventures, education and humility.  I digressed to a child myself at times. I could say that I found the fountain of youth.  I learnt how to apologise to a child and how to accept one from an adult.  I experienced life again and I learnt how to let go.  I was shown unconditional love and what success looks like.  Not my success, but his.

Then, 13 years ago I did it all over again.  I jumped in, holding my breath.  All of me, all in.  Like a game of poker.  

What did the investment pay?   

I was taught to give without expecting a return.  I was given insight, patience and gratitude.  Unmeasurable trust, weightless faith and countless smiles.

Not one school can teach these through text books, none of these can be purchased and the dividends will pay off for the rest of time.  

This is how to invest.  

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