Thursday 12 June 2014

Being you

I'll admit, I enjoy Social Media.  It's an easy way to keep up on the lives of friends or even family.  Things can get hectic and chaotic at times.  It's a way I use time to relax and see what's going on.  I even see all those questionnaire's about our personalities on Facebook. 

You know the ones.  You may have taken one, perhaps two?  "What color best describes you" or "Which friends personality are you"?

I get a chuckle out of seeing who people think they are.  I suppose we all compare ourselves to others.  Starting from being a newborn to our death bed. 

How much did we weigh at birth, what was the average height, how long did our relatives live to and even education.  Standards are only in place to measure where we are going.

All of that said, you have to remember a very important thing. 

There is only one you. 

There is no one out there that is like you, not even close.  Not a person with that same smile, those eyes, that laughter.  There is no duplicate. 

You are one of a kind. 

So I laugh at the questionnaire's on Social Media asking you "Who are you mostly like"? Remember, NO ONE.  You are yourself.  Bold, beautiful and strong.  You are kind, loving, forgiving and smart. 

Take a moment right now, look in that mirror and say to yourself,

"It's okay to be me". 

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