Monday 30 June 2014

Diversity, humility and strength.

We are not made from the exact cloth but we are united by the same group of people.  My family as vast as it is, may differ from one opinion to another but we care for each other.  

We grew up together and discovered how our differences can make our unit stronger.  Not to mention the greatest group of compassionate people I’ve met.  

See, mum had the strength to not only raise us but had enough room in her heart to open the doors to emergency foster children.  For 10 years, children from newborns all the way up were dropped off (sometimes in the middle of the night) for her to care for.  

We saw all ethnicity’s and cultures.  With this, we learnt that we all bleed the same.  

Trust me, it wasn’t easy at first.  At least to comprehend what was going on after all, I was 5 years old.  

I may have been one of those daughters that wanted more as a child but I understood quickly that I had more than others.  Even if we had to move frequently, even if we lacked fresh food at times, mostly as I disliked wearing my brothers clothing, I still had all of the above provided and that was the best lesson one can learn.  To be humble.

I had a roof over my head, food in my belly and clothing on my back.  I have a vast family that is not just connected by blood but by time.

Take a look back at your life.  No matter how hard it seemed, can you turn that into a positive learning curb?  Will you tell me what you did to survive and how it made you a better person?  Take inventory of the struggles and see how they shaped you.  

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