Wednesday 21 May 2014

Your hills and battles

I can’t say life is an easy path to build but I can say it’s worth the hills you climb and the battles you win.

Now when I say “hills you climb” I am referring to your personal challenges.  Ones that are planted in your head by others or by doubt that creeps and starts to create barriers.  Over time, just like I have you may start to question where your path is going.  Only you know and you have to trust yourself and know that no one else can build it for you if you choose to.  

I can tell you the fact that at several times in my life I have let others start my path and over time, I have taken back that direction to where I want it to go.  As will you.  Remember regardless of our background we are all the same.  We face those exact hills and you have to know that on the other side is something amazing, something wonderful that you have paved your path to.

When I say battles, I don’t speak as if I’ve fought someone with my hands but ones that were in your heart.  

My personal battles were ones of fear, control and anger.  Those battles I had to over come to be where I am today and yes, they’ve made me different.  I’ve learnt to let go of my fears, walk away from control and let the anger go.  

Just like you.

So today, at this moment try your best to lace up, climb that hill to face the sun rise of tomorrow, let the scars of yesterday’s battles heal and hold your head high.  It’s okay to see you are not perfect, that you will change and create the path only you want.   

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