Friday 23 May 2014

Are you packed to go?

If you are in a moment, right now where you want to pack up your bags and leave everything behind...


Before you take that leap to leave it all behind, give me a moment to help you back.

There was a time, believe it or not you poked your head into this world and someone loved you unconditionally.  

If it wasn’t your birth mum, then it was your adoptive mum, your grandmum, your father, your brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandfather, adoptive dad, Dr., 

Yes, someone.

If you are lucky, all of the above.  

Let’s face it though it’s not always all but mostly, there is one.  

They held you tight, wrapped you, fed you cleaned you and loved you.  

Without doubt, without question, without hesitation.  

So at this very moment, when your bags are packed and you are ready to check out remember.... 




who loves you with their entire soul and all of their being.  You need to know that you can help another.

It can be your birth mum, your adoptive mum, your grandmum, your father, your brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandfather, adoptive dad and yes, even your Dr. 

Someone out there needs you as much.  

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