Tuesday 20 May 2014

Daily RAK

Nothing more than a fleeing thought but what if we were to treat everyone the same way we would expect it in return? 

Give it a moment to sink in.  Where does one start?

You wake up and have many things on your mind that needs to be accomplished today.  Regular things as easy as dishes, laundry, lunches, breakfast.  You wish someone would help and frustration can kick in as you are feeling the pressure.  Before you let your reaction get ahold of you (good or bad), back away.  Those things you are doing could be helping others right? 

You head off to your daily work and bam, things get thrown at you which make you feel a bit more stressed.  Again frustration kicks in and you want to say how you feel. 

Take a deep breath.  First off, a good friend at work told me once that charity begins at home.  So stop feeling so pressured.  You can only do so much and if you keep on trying to please everyone you'll forget about yourself.  You could burn out and something could happened that is not like you, something could be said that you never intended to say. 

So before you let things get to you, remember you would want to have others treat you the same.  You may need to stop offering a little help, you may want to feel a little break.  Know that it's okay to take a moment for yourself so that in the long run you can treat others the way you want to be treated.  Think of this as a RAK for yourself. 

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