Monday 26 May 2014

A new normal

Back in the 1980’s I could sneak out of my bedroom window and meet some friends down at the creek.  We would bring sleeping bags and talk until dawn.  We didn’t have cell phones to call home but gaged time by our tummies and daylight.  

Today is different and we have to accept that.  No amount of arguing that fact will change it back.

Today our children are locked down in a house supervised and days planned.  Today we need to keep them busy so that they stay safe.  Education is a key to survival and I am not talking school smarts but common sense.  

We educate them on drug, physical and emotional abuse.  Showing them the truth about emotions and to discuss what is going on in the world.  How some countries are battling for freedom, safety and security.  We teach our children the past so we don’t repeat it and give them respect so they learn it.  

Today we must show how to choose when to be compassionate and when to stand up for themselves. How to be their own persons and when to tolerate differences.  

Today is a new normal and as much as it frightens me to show my children what is out there I know it’s essential.  

We are required as adults to put aside our differences and become better for them.  

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