Sunday 27 April 2014

Strength, wisdom and courage

It is completely up to you on how you live your life.  

We’ve all been handed different circumstances and how we choose to react to them depends on our strength, courage and a little wisdom.  

Strength - To get up and go.  Walk away from the issues that you are facing.  Better yet, face them head on.  Question everything about it.  Everything about yourself.  Just take a peaceful moment in your chaos and reflect on as much as you can.  If you can.

Courage - Speak up.  To others for help, to yourself as a reminder that you are worth every moment.  Prove to yourself only that today is the day.  Take the first step.  If you don’t believe that you can be a leader then know that you lead yourself to many places in life.

Wisdom - Be wise enough to know the truth.  Right or wrong, it beats in you.  Gives you life and if you deny it, you will only doubt yourself more.  

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