Monday 28 April 2014

Dear future self...

Something you want but are afraid to go and do?  

This weekend I did and before I crossed that line I almost threw up.  

Really, I worked myself into such a frenzy that I started to believe I couldn’t.  I had played scenarios in my head on how to get out of it.  I drove over, got out of my car and walked to the door.  I had never done anything like this on my own. 

Let me tell you something.  As much as I can be outgoing and loud, I break into a sweat around strangers.  

I walked in and let them know I was there.  I did it.    

I had to stay.  Why?  To prove to myself that I could do this.  

The day ended good.  I did what I came to do and better than anticipated.  

Why am I telling you this?  

No matter how much you doubt yourself, no matter who’s put fear into your head, you CAN do this!  You can actually do anything.  Stop resting on that couch believing you are tired when really it’s the fear that’s stopping you from doing it.  

Start with those feet firmly planted on the ground, wash away those fears and know that whatever the outcome your future self will thank you.

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