Wednesday 9 April 2014

Beauty is in all places

Ahhhh... stretch... yawn... pull the sheets back, grab my alarm and shut it off.  Drag my feet to the bathroom to start the shower and there it is.  My reflection in the mirror.  

I could laugh and say that I scream at it daily asking where the body snatchers took my youthful, slim body and replaced it with this ageing and wildly shaped one.

Oh right... I’m no longer 29 and wait for it.. I had two kids... life happens. 

I look a bit closer ... oh dang, those are what Gram use to call.. crows feet at both corners of my eyes? My hands no longer resemble the ones I had 20 years ago.  I use to think like a cocky young woman.. HA!  I’ll do my best to take care of this and watch, it will be just fine. 

ppssshhhttt.... (blowing out air with noise)

Was I wrong!  Time has no mercy.  Yep, all you young ladies.. drink that water, put the cream on stay out of the sun.  Mother nature has other plans.  


What did you get in exchange for those different shapes, lines in the face and the cracked hands?

I’ll tell you what I got.

42 years of laughter, some tears and many heart breaks.  Lessons learnt and wisdom my mother couldn’t teach as I needed to learn them on my own.  That’s my face.

My waist?  HA!  Best resignation ever.  I have not one but two beautiful boys who I admire, love and deeply cherish.  I wouldn’t trade a thing for the experiences I’ve gained.

My hands?  They’ve taken some things but I am proud to say they’ve given more.  Love, joy, happiness.  How?  Hugs, openly and full armed.  My two hands have guided not only my boys but myself.  I’ve learnt to trust them.  

So, here I am tonight typing away with them trying to tell you that beauty is in all places.  Accept who you are with what you have been given.   

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