Monday 7 April 2014

What’s for you won’t pass you by.

Yesterday I spent the day in the garden.  Sun shining, music playing.  Others walking by as I hummed a tune, all the while thoughts ran through my head.  Sure things weren’t handed to me in ways that I thought they should have while I was growing up but in the long run the things I longed for when I was younger gave me more riches now as an adult.

I didn’t have money to fly to resorts, meet Mickey or lace my toes through sand.  I did have laughter, love and life.  

Now after years of doing things to provide, i’ve been given the gift of peace.  Spending the time in the yard yesterday, hands in the soft, warm soil.  Having others walk by waving and chatting.  I stopped when I came across a rock I put in the garden years ago with the word.. wisdom.  It hit me then. 

Wisdom doesn’t happen over night, it’s not paid for or given away.  I’d say that I’ve been given a little of this by living life.  

I would reflect on my past, thinking I needed to live life to it’s fullest, don’t miss a heart beat, keep on going through the rough patches.  What I missed was that I didn’t let life pass by, I was part of it all along.  I’m not missing anything like I use to believe, I’m creating it.  My life, as it engulfs me, becomes part of who I am.  

Don’t rush in the fear you are missing something.  Don’t worry that you’ve lost out on something.  

What’s for you won’t pass you by.  Create your happiness, live in this very moment.  

Wisdom is gained from trying something new.  Learning to pick yourself up after a fall.  Being kind to anyone as you do not know their battle.  Forgive quickly, smile as you never know who’s watching, hug someone with a squeeze, laugh hard and loud, remember the simple things.  

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