Thursday 10 April 2014

The Journey

As a young lady I figured the world revolved around me, like any young person I didn’t see much out my back yard.  This world was my oyster even if it was the small fenced in yard that we lived in for a temporary time.  I learned to adapt as we moved, my eyes open wider than others by the experiences through this journey.  

Life’s struggles are there for each of us to be part of, learn from and become stronger.  

I, like yourself went through peaks and valleys.  Emotions grabbed me and had a strong hold at times.  This is natural, trust me.  You too will get through this.  

When I started to write here, I wasn’t sure where it would go but I knew it wasn’t about me but about sharing a story that resonates with others, we are the same.  On this journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self or way of life.  


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