Thursday 20 March 2014

The truth about today

It wasn’t any different than yesterday and I suppose tomorrow will be the same.  

Stretch, stumble to door and let the pup out.  Make my way to the coffee pot and saunter to the chair where I reach for the remote.  Turn on the tv and start shifting my thoughts to another day.  The rest follows by arriving to work and getting my daily activities done.  Between bouncing back and forth making sure things run smoothly, projects are on time, I slowly absorb the moods around me.  

Some up, some are down.  Right.  I check that off on my to do list.  I pop in to visit my co-worker and friend who seems a bit quiet.  No need to say much but I know.  Life played something unfair and words are unnecessary.  I gave a hug and let her know that we should ‘do lunch’.  Just open up the door a wee bit so she knows I’m around ready when she is.  

Carry on then.  

I head out for lunch with a friend now and we laugh.  The time spent is good and It’s never all for nothing.  I’m sure that we let things fly, a bit of tongue and cheek comments.  Picked up some sweets for tonight.

Head back to work, complete the day and then receive a call from a friend who put’s a smile on my face.  Actually they just left a short message but it was the thought that counted.  Drove home.

I suppose what I am putting out there is that I wouldn’t take a thing for granted.  Sure for some this could be an average day.  For me... well, I am over the moon that I got to experience today.  It didn’t seem like much but it was everything to me.  The value of today is priceless.  I know some days are harder than others but here I am in a quiet kitchen typing away and sipping a fresh coffee before company arrives.  

Here are some funny truths about me.

  • I can no longer do a cart wheel but I will try every year in the summer, even on a golf course.
  • I laugh at myself daily when I think about the most ridiculous comments i’ve made to complete strangers.
  • Some days I secretly wear un-matching socks inside my boots. (is un-matching a word)?
  • My laundry is piled high in the bedroom and tonight will be as if a bomb exploded when I go to bed and I don’t care.
  • I really love vanilla ice cream and yes, will eat it out of the tub. (not referring to bath tub).
  • I secretly want to become a clown.
  • I really do love life, no matter how hard it can get.

Enjoy today.  Live as if you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow.  IT does NOT matter what that stranger thinks, you may never see them again but I guarantee you will put a smile on their face. 

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