Sunday 23 March 2014

Common threads

Regardless of where you are when you read this, we have many things in common.  

My neighbour, a friend across the world or someone I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting... yet.  

Our common threads are these.  

A heart beat which begins our life.  Compassion for others, wanting to see everyone succeed.  Know we all fear the same way.  
Live your life with every beat.Love your life with every sight.Laugh at every moment as laughter is the best way to let fear go.  

If you were to take a your own thread and compare it to others, I would guess it would almost run parallel.  

You see, we thrive on happiness.  What drives you every day to wake up and face the challenges you have in front of you.  

Regardless of your ethnic back ground or belief’s.  You and I, we are the same.  

I wish that others who feel differently would see this, accept it and learn it.  

I know though this change doesn’t happen over night, it isn’t something that can be forced and in fact having the opportunity to embrace others opinions is something that educates and inspires us.  Without diversity, we would not know success, we would not experience the over whelming feeling of satisfaction.

Know you are not alone, feel that others are either going through what you are or will experience the same.  If you are strong enough, let others know that a light does exist and they will to get through this just like you.

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