Wednesday 19 March 2014

Choosing reactions for a kinder response

Somethings I've taken in the past few days.  The best part of it was personal growth. 

I had a moment of frustration where I lacked some emotional control and spoke my mind.  Not that I feel I was wrong but I didn't treat the other person with as much kindness that I tend to lean towards. 

I could say that the others opinion was something I feel strongly against.  What I should have done was communicated with more kindness rather than being defencive.  Here are ways I see things.

How I reacted:
You are wrong, anyone has the right to choose at whatever age.  If the action doesn't cause harm to anyone, why stop it. 
How I feel I should have reacted:
Why do you feel this way?  What do you suggest we do?  Let's discuss it.
What I am saying is that no matter how strongly we feel about an action or choice we still need to be open minded and listen.  You create a feeling of team work, you show support and let others know you can have an open mind with an opinion.  Perhaps if this is used in a daily basis you can develop stronger relationships and a better environment for everyone involved.

I'll treat this as a lesson learnt.  

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