Saturday 1 March 2014

Personalities are like a mixed bowl of fruit

I work in an office environment where the culture, personalities, likes or dislikes are varied like a mixed bowl of fruit.  

Surrounded by this can either help build your charter, show others what you are truly like or break you down.  Either way, positive or negative it’s up to you to choose how to react.  

This reaction will determine your work ethics, your time spent in the office and so much as your health. Stress becomes more when you let it bother you, life becomes less when you refuse to accept people for who they are.  We cannot change a charter, nor would I want to.

I love where I work for the simple pleasure of diversity.  It makes life interesting and challenging.  Regardless of something that was said or done, if I disagree I welcome it so I can learn another’s perspective.  If you are closed to this, you won’t grow, you can’t learn.

My thought to you is, why expel that energy (trust me, you feel drained when you get angry, frustrated and upset).  So why do it?  Let it go.  You cannot change whoever is bothering you.  

Have fun with the diversity and remember you are only in control of yourself, actions and thoughts. 

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