Sunday 2 March 2014

Fear almost stopped me in my tracks

Last week I was on the way to a hockey game, almost in the arena when it happened.  With my mitted hands full of coffee, trying to get to the door without having my face freeze from the outside wind and below 20 degrees Celsius.  They were right behind me chatting away.  3 or 4 boys.  The voices stopped and as I reached for the door and it happened.  

Foot steps sounds were quicker in stride, out of the corner of my sight a body reached ...

around me to grab the door.  I almost jumped out of my skin as I wasn’t anticipating the help.  

All of them had hockey bags and their sticks. 

I am sure the expression on my face went from fear to relief and then laughter.  I said thank you and that’s when it started.  

I sat down with the parents and handed out the coffee... they offered to pay and I say.. “nah.. pay it forward”  Thanks was given and they said it would happen.  

Today, I went to the next game and 2 of the parents said they did it.  I had to ask.. as I forgot what they were talking about.  “I bought coffee for the driver behind me today”  the other mum said “I paid for the dinner of the couple across from us”.  

This what happens folks.  One pebble across the pond creates ripples.  They start out small and get larger as they go further. 

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