Thursday 27 February 2014

Be the bird

If by chance you think your smallest actions will not make a difference, think again.

Yesterday, you took a moment to make eye contact and say hello.  Did you know how that other person was feeling inside?  Perhaps slightly down due to lack of sleep or feeling low due to abuse or neglect?  That eye contact and communication you did, might have given them confidence enough to know they are not alone. 

During the week of February 10th to 16th, you did some Random Act’s of Kindness (RAK week) such as buy a coffee for the person behind you in the drive through.  Sure they were ready to pay for themselves, but perhaps the chain followed as far as giving food to someone homeless later in the day?  

Let’s be real.  Your small gestures can turn a life around one step at a time.  Your moments that are surrendered to be part of something bigger has impacts beyond what you see and know.  

This is why you shouldn't hold judgement of that girl in class who came with the same clothing.  Sure you have the opportunity to have clean clothing but instead of thinking her family is lazy, perhaps they cannot afford to wash them or provide more.  Have empathy and accept people for who they are.  The good and the bad cannot exist without each other but if you keep singing like a bird in the morning, eventually, your persistence will get across and you will make a change.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great insight