Monday 24 March 2014

Who you are

After years of growing up trying to please my parents, grandparents, aunts, family, friends and co-workers I’ve noticed that at times, it didn’t matter.  

I use to think that how high my grades were was the biggest thing to my parents.  How wearing the right clothing in school would make the best friends.  You get the point.  

Funny thing is, growing up... I didn’t have the best marks and my parents still loved me.  I certainly did NOT have the best clothing.  IN fact, I had my brothers hand-me-downs!  

This made me appreciate what I have and who is in my life.  I’ve learnt not to force relationships, they will happen.  People come in and out of our lives for a reason.  No matter how hard it is to let go, we need to learn the lesson given.  Regardless of letting go or living in the moment.

These are some of the things that I am grateful for, some of the things that made me who I am. 

P.S. Selfies have been around for ages folks, they were called photo booths.  It’s not narcissistic or vain to have fun in life.  It’s called living in the moment.  Just do it!

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