Monday 3 February 2014

The most important steps

Time to reflect on how one’s journey has been and where it might go is one of the best things for self preservation.  Here was my journey in a nut shell.

1.) Face the issues head on.  
This means taking on the bullies, the abusers the self centred ones that see nothing past their own reflection. Let them know they no longer have the keys to your life.  (I started to take on the persona of a survivor and no longer the victim). Take back the control of where it is going and how you are feeling.  

2.) Face yourself head on.
Figure out who you are and where you lost yourself.  Don’t give any more time to those who you had torn you down.  The more time and energy you give them, the more control you will lose.  Remember, this is your life.  (I started to believe that I was worth more than this and evaluated my belief’s then I had a foundation to work from).

3.) Start to find things that make you happy, give you purpose. 
Remember, these values are actions, not items or people.  Head out and do some good.  You have time.  Volunteer for different organizations, companies and people.  This is one of the easiest ways to find out a passion and to heal.  Not only will you find out more about yourself but you will start to discover gratitude, patience and compassion.  You’ll make friends who support your positive change and the circle you once belonged to will no longer matter.  (I returned to school, volunteered in the community and helped at any given moment, I no longer see them so much as Random Acts of Kindness but a way of life).

4.) Investing in your belief’s.
You’ll find that by now, your energy is up and you want to do more.  Giving back means self reward.  You’ll notice that the time you invest has insurmountable paybacks.  Take a moment  while walking to pay attention to those around you.  See what changes are needed and start taking part in the movement.  Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly.  You’ll discover how strong you truly are.  Don’t try to be someone else, you are the best you ever.  

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