Wednesday 5 February 2014

Perspective, actions and truths

Last year this time I was faced with some choices.  At first, my typical attitude was ‘I can do this’.  Then after a month, I thought 'I can’t'.  I was starting to panic and was ready to throw in the towel.  

Today, I still face the same challenge but it’s been a year of gained perspective.  I know I can do it and more.  I discovered that I have this reserve inside that kicks in as well as some great friends who cheered me on and when I started to doubt myself they pushed my doubt aside and reassured me it is possible.

Why am I sharing this?  This is about perspective and time.  In the moment for all of us we doubt an action we’ve done or words we’ve chosen.  The key to this is knowing you can’t change the past but you can change the future.  

Look back at yourself a year ago have you come ahead?  Did you face those choices as I did?  What was the outcome? 

Perspective is a great teacher; it’s up to you and I to see how we can change ourselves and the outcomes.  

Know that you will come ahead of this struggle stronger and wiser. 

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