Thursday 30 January 2014

Who will tell your story?

Each journey in our lives has a beginning, middle and end, it’s who tells yours that’s important.

We drive ourselves for education, for a great job, for a great home, car, belongings.  Most of us have children, if not then we have someone we care so much about they become part of us.  

We work for the promotion, the title the higher life.  At the end of our lives regardless of when that comes, will those cars, homes, items remember us?  Will these tell our stories?  Highly unlikely.  

My opinion is that my boys will be the ones to pass on my life, my stories.  However they wish, is up to them.  I’ll be lucky one day to have grandchildren and great grandchildren.  As lucky as my grandparents.  If I was offered time back i’d have to think about this as each moment in my life, it’s been placed somewhere of value.  With someone, not something.  That’s why I will say over and over again that my boys, my family are the biggest investment i’ve made to date.  

This all came from a conversation with someone close to me.  She told me that she felt her life was given away to others and never did anything for herself.  I reminded her that she did so much, it wasn’t tossed away.  She has the best life i’ve seen.  Giving back to so many, in the end her happiness was filled and she didn’t even see it until now.  Her story will be told for years after she leaves us, for generations to re-tell as if it’s an impossible story.  

Be free to let those close to you, those who care enough that you love them as well.  

I will continue to do so until my last breath.  Let this be yours.  

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