Tuesday 11 February 2014

My Random Act of Kindness went more ways than I anticipated....

Tonight I enjoyed dinner with my husband and younger son for my birthday.  A little Vietnamese place we’ve been going to for almost 20 years.  Both my boys have grown up on their food, almost monthly.  

Seeing as it was my birthday, I had asked friends that instead of giving me a gift, to do a random act of kindness or a pay it forward act.  Both equally the same.  Simply keep me in mind and then let me know what they did.  Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a bragging board, or rights to a feel good story, it’s actually me hoping that others see this and it catches on.  Not for me but well, we’ve all seen how things can snowball.

So tonight, after my husband paid for dinner, I told my son to stay with me.  We did an about face, walked over to the counter and quietly told the owner that we wanted to pay for the couple behind us.  She looked at me and laughed.  “why”?  I simply told her it was my random act of kindness, it was something I wanted to do to celebrate my birthday.  So, she got their bill and I paid.  She asked me if I wanted to tell them, I told her, no.  You do it but wait until I leave please.  I took the receipt and wrote “Pay it forward” and doodled a heart.  Nothing more.  

I felt amazing.  The best part though?  My son saw it.  He participated and when we got into the car where my husband was waiting, he told me he’s never felt that way before.  

That my friends, is the greatest gift i’ve ever received to date.

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