Thursday 13 February 2014

Out of your zone

Sitting here sipping wine waiting for the cookie dough I just prepared almost an hour ago to chill.  I catch up on several comments with Facebook and twitter.  I have to admit, I’m a bit of an addict when it comes to reading others stories and lives.  I’ve been on line with groups for just over 13 years now.  

It’s opened many doors and for that, I am grateful.  I’ve found many opportunities and discovered that my passion is shared by many. 

Tonight while doing my usual surfing, I saw a friend who has decided to change a challenge around and I applaud her for it.

Instead of following others, she took this challenge and made it a “nice” nomination, where the next person has 24 to do the same and post it on line.  Where did it put me?  Over the moon and back again.  There are many of us out there that want to see a difference made and to be honest, all it takes is one of us, stepping out of our comfort zone and doing it.  So, tomorrow when you are out and about.  Just do it.  Do something kind.  Pay it forward and have fun.  

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