Thursday 20 February 2014

All the while, it was there.

As though it was intended to be, my life has unfolded all while I felt it was falling apart.  

No one told me where I was going and as much as I wanted my parents to say, ‘be a Lawyer, Doctor, Teacher’ as much as I wanted guidance I suppose without it I received much more.  

I learnt to stand on my own, conquer my fears and become who I am today.  Some would say that it’s a foolish way of parenting, now I would say to you it was wise. 

I see my children become people on their own.  Discover their strengths and conquer their dreams.  I see my older son be who he wants to be without me making that choice, living his life for himself.  I see my younger son enjoy the moments and create his own path.  

This is part of my philosophy.  It may not be right to you but it’s right for them.  I always wanted a book to read about how to be the best parent, I wanted guidance to show them how to be good people.  All the while, it was always there.  

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