Saturday 22 February 2014

Be who you are

I’ve had friends who chose to walk away, some breaking my heart in the process.  I cannot change how they feel but I do know who I am and will always be.  

You can call me names, you can beat me down but I refuse to give you the control of who I am.  I am and always will be me.  I will no longer accept change that isn’t done by anyone other than me.  If it’s not going to fit your mold, your idea of what you wanted, then leave.  Walk away but know that when you do, you will lose out on something amazing, something wonderful and simply put, I will be okay with that.  

Teach your children to live this, they will learn that no man or woman will create them nor give them value.  THEY are in control, that is the best part of being a parent.  Seeing them learn that they can choose the good, the bad and the ugly.  

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