Sunday 16 February 2014

Their voices will carry forward

The first time it happened I was 5 years old.  

They came and left quickly.  All these children who were in abusive situations and had to leave their place for the safety of ours.  They stayed until a home was found for them.  I couldn’t even begin to imagine the life they had been part of.  Their voices stifled so young innocence taken.  

As life passed me I saw children come and go, some lives perhaps changed for the better.  I can’t even describe some of the situations they came from, their state of mind or shape of their physical being.  It was enough for me to learn compassion.  From that point on, I learned not to pass judgment and started to try to understand others.

Now in the present moment.  We went to a hockey game the other night and to sing the anthem were a group of young kids.  Normally, I would pipe in loud and sing along but I kept my voice down and listened to those children and their voices.  It was amazing.

Today when you are out and about take a moment and listen to a child.  Watch how they react and absorb in whatever kindness, goodness and innocence they have.  They don’t have it for long, if it hasn’t already been taken.  Do a RAK for a child.  Perhaps in their future, they will remember your kindness and pay it forward.

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