Thursday 16 January 2014

Window of regret

I will admit that almost every morning I wake up with a 30 second window of regret.  Just like you, I'd love to keep sleeping.  Why 30 seconds?  That's all it takes for me to see how lucky I am. 

I may not have what I need at times or what I want.  I do have the control in my life to make myself happy. 

I cannot be responsible for others actions regardless of it being emotional or physical but I can be responsible for mine.  I know I cannot change the past but I can change my future.

Regardless of what your past has had, it's exactly that.  You cannot change it, nor can you control others.  You have only yourself to be accountable for.  Accept that truth and move forward.  

Once you've recognised this, start making the most of every moment but know, it is okay to have times where you feel down, after all you and I.. we are the same.   

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