Tuesday 14 January 2014

Making your path

As I sit here at my desk on a cold and gray afternoon, I take a moment to escape into a world where my thoughts leave work and go to a place better than the last few minutes.

Everyone chatters around me, the smell of fresh coffee or warmed lunch.  Some laughter, some quietly tiping away at their work.  I use to think, "oh lord, I want to be somewhere else warmer, resting with a drink in hand".  Now I am sitting here with a smile knowing that I completely love my job.  It may not much but it's what I can do with it. 

All that being said, most of us go day in day out.. head down, ass up working, working, working.  I've come to the place in life that it's not where I work but what I do with what I have. 

I had a great conversation with a wonderful young lady yesterday.  She's unclear about her direction.  I let her know that it's okay.  No one knows their direction until they stumble across it.  We discover it on this road.  I had to let her know to just start her journey, somewhere along the way her path will be paved with her steps.  Just start out with what makes you happy.  

Although the thought of somewhere warm sounds appealing right now (as the snow falls) I know it can hold off.  The sun and sand won't bring a life long smile to my face but my path will.   

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