Friday 17 January 2014


While growing up, mum would take us to Gram’s for a visit.  We’d sit at her feet as a young child, beside her on the couch as a young teen, or at the kitchen table sipping tea as a young adult.  All the while listen.  Mum and Gram would discuss the events of her day.  Until I was an adult I never understood why she did all the things she did.

Through her life, she was there for many people.  She volunteered wherever she could, help someone, do something kind at any given moment and it was ingrained in me as part of life.  If you have spare time, volunteer, if you had something to give, then so be it.  

She was a volunteer within her church teaching sunday school.  Later in life, she volunteered in a Senior’s home and she did this until the last few years of her life.  

I’d ask her why.  Her answer, simply because it made her feel youthful.  Well, if that’s isn’t one of the keys to happiness, i’m not sure what is.  

Now as an adult, just over 1 year after she passed, I hope to continue her life through my every day actions.  Life to give back.  This is the biggest part of my life and put’s the biggest smiles on my face.  Doing Random acts of kindness, and doing it without expectations is one of the greatest gifts you will receive.  It warms your heart, puts a glow in your smile and is great for your health.  Go ahead and try it, this works.  

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