Sunday 19 January 2014

Unknowing and largest RAK

I watch several people succeed in what they do by the chances they take.  I’ve been told that several of them have fallen more than once, however the key to their success isn’t having the financial backing but themselves going over and over with a drive that won’t stop until they get there.  

The biggest key, the best part of this?  They were given confidence.  By friends, family... it was one of the biggest Random Act’s of Kindness in their lives and they may not even be aware of it.  Someone said they could do it, someone instilled belief that it’s possible.  

From this moment on, remember you may have a part in helping building someone’s success.  You may not know it.  Perhaps you’ve already done it.  Yesterday you said to your friend, “I think you can actually do this”.  will be all that it takes.  

This cost you nothing, your time was small and when you see what happens, the rewards are endless and priceless.  

Remember, the opposite is true.  As much as 1 single, positive & thought provoking comment can build a person, help them succeed, 1 small negative and self doubting comment can tear a person down just as quickly with as much consequence.

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