Monday 20 January 2014

Don't let them change you

I enjoy the privilege of hearing conversations, thoughts and life in general. Tonight I was enjoying coffee at a local shop, doing work and listening. I admit, the work was slow as conversations were a flurry and it was more enjoyable than the task at hand

Someone's opinion struck me though. They were afraid of the ones out there that take advantage.  This person was bitter, angry. I would want to guess because they were mistreated, misused, misguided. I wanted to join the conversation and let them know that the percentage isn't that big, the good ones are over looked by arrogance, pride and emotion. 

One key in life is to try and not let others take away the best part of your life. Believe in yourself when others try to take you down. Believe in others when they give you doubt. Remember, we are human. Forgive so you can be who you are without doubt. 

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