Saturday 25 January 2014

Unexpected rewards

Flash back 24 hours.  

It’s Friday morning and we all anticipate the weekend.  If it’s for a night out, a late morning rise or a simple leisurely weekend.  Right now, you are working hard to complete the task at hand so that you can enjoy those moments. 

This Friday was no different for myself.  Happily working away, goal in mind knowing what lays ahead of me.  I had planned to volunteer with a good friend.  She inspires me and gives me guidance.  Young enough to be a daughter but wise enough to learn from.  Regardless, together we always have a great laugh.

It was going to be a 3 hour night of standing on your feet, selling raffle tickets for the MS Foundation.  If you have to ask how it was, let me give you some insight.

We were the first 2 to grab those lovely smocks (Nichole 1 & myself 2).  Then proceeded with the 30 some odd volunteers for ‘training’.  Of course before it started, we both chatted up a storm with anyone near by.  I was fortunate enough to meet this woman, who just lost hear husband 5 months ago.  She was telling me the adventure of their lives & the best part of her life.  She went on to say they would do things like this together.  

Okay, so I headed out with Nichole to sell tickets.  We laughed, did random things with complete strangers like dancing, singing, following and cheering.  It made so many people laugh including ourselves.  I’m quite certain that if we didn’t sell the ‘winning’ ticket, we made someone’s night.  It didn’t really cost me a thing other than my time which I’d gladly give away for those sore cheeks, softened heart and the wee bit of sore feet at the end of the evening.  

If you get the opportunity, give back.  It has more rewards than you anticipate.

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