Monday 27 January 2014

Being organic you

Trusting ourselves and who we are is a big step forward in life. 

Regardless of you nationality, gender or who you love no one, not a single soul should decide who you become in life.   

We have influences, good and bad but it's up to you on how you let them, if at all control your direction.   When you come into this big world and start life, someone guides it until your eyes open, your heart exposed and your mind starts thinking for itself. 

This is where being true to yourself, or as I put it, being organic you.  Start to listen, form your opinions on knowledge and your own experiences. If someone offers you theirs, question them. Ask why and get as many facts as possible.  Challenge opinions, not to prove wrong but to prove right.  

Remember, don't live your life for others but choose to live it for you.  

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